SPF(supported) (dedicated subdomain) DKIM(recommended)
This article covers the SPF and DKIM configuration process for Front. Because this service leverages SendGrid's email infrastructure, it requires additions to your DNS records outside of the Valimail platform. Adding Front as an authorized sender in the Valimail Enforce usually requires a dedicated subdomain to be pointed to the Front infrastructure and typically the DKIM keys will be added in the Valimail platform.
- Configuring DKIM authentication for your Front emails
- Add a Front DKIM key in Enforce
- Configuring SPF authentication for your Front emails
Configuring DKIM authentication for your Front emails
There is one deliverability settings page visible to Company Admins where you can configure records for all your email domains in one place. If you are not a Company Admin, you will not see this settings page and will need to get your admin’s help.
Follow these steps to add your SPF/DKIM records for each domain you use to send emails from Front.
1. Click the gear icon on the top right of Front and into the Company settings tab.
2. Click on the Deliverability tab. Here, company admins can configure SPF/DKIM records. This page will only be visible to Company Admins after they add at least one team SMTP channel.
Note: If you do not see the Deliverability tab, it is likely because only individual SMTP inboxes have been added. If this is the case, please follow the instructions here to add SPF/DKIM records for individual SMTP channels.
3. You will see a list of your SMTP channel domains under Domains on the left. Any email domains with missing SPF/DKIM records will have a yellow warning icon. Select a domain to view its DNS records.
4. Copy the Values from the DNS records in Front, and add them as a DNS record in your DNS provider settings. Each DNS provider offers a different UI to add these entries to the DNS. Please ask your IT department if you're unsure how to do this.
Note: If you want to manage the DKIM key in Valimail, the TXT DKIM key needs to be added in Valimail Enforce.
5. Once you've added the records in Valimail Enforce and in your DNS, you can come back to Front and click Check DNS settings.
This will trigger a check by SendGrid to verify that your DNS configuration is correct. Be aware that SendGrid might not see your changes before the time specified in your DNS TTL settings. Wait a few seconds and the validation result will appear (with the encountered errors if any).
6. When you’ve successfully added the SPF/DKIM records, the warning icon will be removed from the channel name in the list and the DNS records will say Verified.
You can also find the instructions to set up DKIM and SPF for Front here.
Add a Front DKIM key in Enforce
1. Go to your domain's Configuration page in Valimail Enforce and publish the newly created DKIM key.
a. Scroll down and add the DKIM key in your configuration, by clicking on Add a DKIM key.
b. Enter the selector name, the DKIM TXT value (the actual value is the entire string after the p= tag), associate the key with Front and then click Add.
You can find more detailed information on how to add a DKIM key in Valimail Enforce here.
Configuring SPF authentication for your Front emails
Once you establish that Front is an authorized sender for your domain, you will need to add the service in your Enabled Senders list in Enforce.
1. Please go to your domain's Configuration page in Enforce.
2. Click on the + sign from the Enabled Senders section:
3. Choose Front from the list of configurable senders and then click Enable:
We encourage you to use the comment section for any useful information about your sending service, such as the name of the service owner, change request ticket numbers, etc.
As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to submit a ticket.