SPF(not supported)

This article covers the DKIM authentication processes for Greevelope and how they are managed in Valimail Enforce.


Configuring DKIM authentication for your Greenvelope emails

Greenvelope uses a single standard TXT DKIM key:


"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCl43nwaq3SW8v7Bu5OWdVfWlfGg7tDC3OUqoldlUwW1dZH1DCbYXUBoI7aKtAdlbU8+4DUK53vTUrb6rQVbeoL9lQ9596e/Vt3HwqViOTSfM8WQuCXqkDN2D+q73wJ6y9DgpAFVONwIIVWd8jZQ32+AAGiB7FJngjXyyA6Y97dCwIDAQAB"

Once the DKIM key has been added to the Valimail Platform please perform these steps within Greenvelope Admin Console

1. Go to the Details tab. 

2. Go to Information.

3. Open the Advanced Options dropdown.

4. Click to purchase/turn on this feature.

Advanced Options menu

Note: Screenshot from the Vendor's configuration page.

You can also find the instructions on how to set up DKIM here.

Add a Greevelope DKIM key in Enforce

1. Go to your domain's Configuration page in Valimail Enforce and publish the newly created DKIM key.

    a. Scroll down and add the DKIM key in your configuration, by clicking on Add a DKIM key

    b. Enter the selector name, the DKIM TXT value (the actual value is the entire string after the p= tag), associate the key with Greenvelope and then click Add.

Add Greenvelope DKIM key to Valimail

You can find more detailed information on how to add a DKIM key in Valimail Enforce here. 

As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to submit a ticket.